Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13

Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13

Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13 Download Summary

  • File size: 0.44 MB
  • Platform: Windows XP / Vista / XP 64 bit / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit / 8.1 / 8.1 64 bit / 10 / 10 64 bit
  • Downloads: 411
  • Released: May 19, 2016
  • Manufacturer URL: Steinberg

Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13

Changes since version 2.11 :

- Fix: Exception in background thread.

- Fix: Long application startup time and, on occasion, device sample rate range demotion.

- Fix: Outputs may remain unavailable if there is more than one output device active.

- Workaround: Blue Screen "stdriver64.sys" / all devices marked "Beyond Logic" inside 32 bit host under 64 bit Windows. Caused by third party audio capture software, even after deinstallation of said software. The workaround is part of the ASIO4ALL installer, meaning you may have to re-run the installer, should the problem occur at any later time.

Setting up your audio software

- In order to make use of ASIO4ALL, you need to configure your audio software accordingly. How you would do this depends on your particular software application. Generally, you would always enter the audio configuration menu and select ASIO -> ASIO4ALL v2.

- There now should be a button to launch the ASIO control panel. How this button is labeled depends on your particular software. Once you press this button, the ASIO4ALL control panel should appear. Please consult the manual of your audio software for further assistance, if necessary!

- Sometimes, the audio software indeed would not provide an ASIO control panel option. This is the case for e.g. some ASIO output plugins in media player software. For configuring ASIO4ALL with these applications anyway, you can launch the control panel by clicking on the ASIO4ALL status icon in the System Tray area .

- The tray icon will become visible whenever an application initializes the ASIO4ALL driver. If there is no tray icon, your audio application is not currently using the ASIO4ALL driver. You can disable balloon notifications by switching to “Advanced” mode in the ASIO4ALL control panel. Note: Where it is possible to access the ASIO control panel

Note: Where it is possible to access the ASIO control panel from within the audio application from within the audio application, you should , you should use that option instead of clicking the tray icon! use that option instead of clicking the tray icon!

- Changes made in the control sometimes may not have an effect until you restart the audio application. Once you made it into the ASIO4ALL control panel – one way or the other - you can now proceed with some basic configuration.

About Sound Driver:

Usually, Windows operating systems apply a generic audio driver that allows computers to recognize the sound card component and make use of its basic functions.

When enabled by proper files, the characteristics of the sound card (like model, manufacturer, number of channels) are completely available to computers, and all its features are made accessible.

Updating the audio version can improve sound quality, resolve different compatibility issues, fix related errors spotted throughout the product’s usage, add support for new operating systems, and bring various other changes.

As for applying this package, the steps are quite simple since each producer intends to uncomplicate things for users: just download the package, run the setup, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Bear in mind that, even though other operating systems might be compatible as well, it is not recommend that you apply any software on platforms other than the specified ones. Also, when the installation has finished, do perform a restart to ensure that all changes take effect properly.

Therefore, if you wish to install this audio version, click the download button and apply the package. Remember to check with our website as often as possible to stay “updated one minute ago.”

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Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13 Drivers Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13 full driver from the manufacturer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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It is not recommended to download drivers from illegal sites which distribute a keygens, key generators, pirate keys, serial numbers, warez full versions or cracks for Steinberg ASIO4ALL Driver 2.13. These drivers might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy. A driver might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.