- [20X / 380X / 580X] Added support for Flex Module Mini VDSL
Compatible with X Series: 20X, 380X, 580X
- [Firewall] Added support for firewall filtering by DSCP
Compatible with All Models
- [Outbound Policy] Added support for Outbound Policy by DSCP
- [SpeedFusion Cloud] Added the ability to select Cloud Applications for the SpeedFusion Cloud
Compatible with All Models (Except FusionHub)
- [API] Added new API to configure WAN Settings
- [API] Added support for get and update the GPIO
- [CLI] Added RADIUS status supporting
- [Firewall] Added "KVM Management Port" and "KVM VNC Port" under Local Service Firewall Rules
- [IPsec] The IPsec SA Lifetime is now supporting 31536000 seconds (365 days)
- [System] Added PCI Compliance Mode: disable TCP and ICMP timestamp responses for PCI Compliance tests.
- [System] Added RADIUS / TACACS+ authentication log
- [System] Added the ability to configure the session timeout value under support.cgi
- [System] Remote Syslog server address is now supporting broadcast address
- [System] The LAN's port name is now included in LAN Port Event Log
- [OpenVPN] Added the "Connection Security Refresh" option.
- [PepVPN] Every new PepVPN handshake initiated or accepted by the device is now visible in the Event Log
- [PepVPN] For PepVPN/SpeedFusion traffic, remote Serial Number is now included in the Session Logging.
- [PepVPN] The PepVPN Log is now located in an individual tab under Event Log
- [PepVPN] The PepVPN Status and Dashboard now show the "OSPF Area mismatch" message if needed.
- [QoS] Added the ability to rename QoS User Groups
Compatible with All Models
- 23096 [Captive Portal] Allowed Client supports Hostname.
- [SpeedFusion Cloud] Added ability to configure WAN Smoothing on all devices.
- [SpeedFusion Cloud] Added sub-tunnels on SpeedFusion Cloud > Connect Client to Cloud
- [OpenVPN WAN] Added support for OpenVPN as WAN. (license activated)
- [OpenVPN WAN] Added the option to define a preferred DNS resolver.
Compatible with All Models (Except FusionHub)
- [Air Monitor] Added support for Wi-Fi "Air Monitoring Mode". The report can be viewed under InControl 2 > Reports > AirProbe Reports.
- [Wi-Fi Mesh] Added ability to accept incoming Mesh connection from AP One (Bridge Mode)
Compatible with Balance: 30 Pro, One
Compatible with MAX: BR1 MK2, Transit, 700 HW3 or above, HD2 HW5 or above, HD4
Compatible with MediaFast: 200, HD2/4
Compatible with X Series: PDX, MBX, 20X
Compatible with Surf SOHO: SOHO MK3
- [AP Controller] Added ability to "Set Firmware" directly in "AP > Controller Status > Access Point"
- [AP Controller] Added support for AP Mesh Configuration and Status reporting for AP One. Mesh combination: Balance/MAX/Surf SOHO MK3 (Build-in Wi-Fi) to AP One (Bridge Mode) | AP One (Bridge Mode) to AP One (Bridge Mode)
Compatible with Balance: All
Compatible with MAX: 700, HD2/4, Transit
Compatible with MediaFast: All
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX, 580X, 380X, PDX, MBX
- [API / PoE] Added the ability to turn PoE ports on or off
Compatible with Balance: 30 Pro
Compatible with MAX: BR1 ENT, HD2/4
Compatible with MediaFast: HD2/4
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX, PDX, MBX
- [Cellular] Added the ability to define Upload & Download Bandwidth values on Cellular WAN.
- [Cellular] SIM Toolkit page now shows the SMS Storage capacity
Compatible with Balance: 30 LTE/Pro
Compatible with MAX: BR1/2, HD2/4, Transit
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with MediaFast: HD2/HD4
Compatible with X Series: All
- [FlexModule] Added the ability to enable PoE on FlexModule Ethernet ports when they are configured as WAN
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX
- [HA] The Web UI now shows the WAN connection & PepVPN status when the option "Establish Connections in Slave Role" is enabled
Compatible with Balance: 210 or above
Compatible with MAX: BR1/2, HD2/4, Transit
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with MediaFast: All
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX, 580X, 380X, PDX, MBX, 310X
- [HD1 Dome] Added support for IP Passthrough
Compatible with MAX: HD1 Dome
- [LAN] Added LACP Support for the SDX
Compatible with X Series: All
- [NetFlow] Added options for additional NetFlow server, and Active/Inactive Flow Timeout values.
- [NetFlow] Added support for NetFlow information retrieval via SNMP
Compatible with Balance: 30 LTE/Pro, One/Two, 210/310 HW4 or above, 305/380 or above
Compatible with MAX: BR1 ENT, Transit, 700
Compatible with HW3 or above, HD2 HW5 or above, HD4
Compatible with MediaFast: All
Compatible with X Series: All
Compatible with FusionHub
- [UART] Renamed "UART" to "Serial" in the Web Admin / CLI / Event Logs
Compatible with MAX: BR1
Compatible with Slim/Mini/M2M/ENT, Transit, HD2 Mini
- [PDX, MBX, 310X] Added jumbo frame supporting.
Compatible with X Series: PDX, MBX, 310X
- [Captive Portal] Fixed an issue where a blank page will be shown after logging into the Captive Portal via a second RADIUS server
- [Captive Portal] Fixed an issue where Client Bandwidth Settings from RADIUS does not work when the Captive Portal is configured on VLAN
- [Captive Portal] Fixed an issue where the Captive Portal is unstable when running for a long period of time
- [Captive Portal] Fixed an vulnerability where a binary file will be returned on HTTP Port 80
- [Client List] Fixed an issue where the Client List shows the download usage of offline devices.
- [OpenVPN WAN] Fixed an issue where the OpenVPN WAN accepted routes from the server
- [Outbound Policy] "Normal and High Application Compatibility" have been deprecated
- [Outbound Policy] Fixed an issue where the throughput performance will be degraded when an Outbound Policy by Domain Name has been applied.
- [SpeedFusion Cloud] Fixed an issue where Dynamic Weighted Bonding does not work on the SpeedFusion Cloud.
- [uPnP] Fixed the potential vulnerability
Compatible with All Models (Except FusionHub)
- [Firewall] Fixed an issue of Firewall Log showing inconsistent date and time.
- [Firewall] Fixed an issue where "Local Service" under "Firewall Rule > Event Logging" malfunctions.
- [Firewall] Fixed the issue where Firewall Log is not kept across device reboot.
- [PepVPN] Fixed an issue causing the device to not apply MSS clamping if the FusionHub is running on KVM and if the PepVPN tunnel is unencrypted.
- [PepVPN] Fixed an issue where PepVPN does not work under Drop-in with a Shared IP
- [PepVPN] Fixed an issue where PepVPN may become stuck on the "Updating Routes" status.
- [PepVPN] Fixed an issue where PepVPN may cause system instability
- [PepVPN] Fixed an issue where PepVPN tunnels establish only one WAN when all WAN interfaces are using the same IP address.
- [PepVPN] Fixed an issue where the PepVPN Test shows empty Device Names
- [Remote User Access] Fixed an issue where OpenVPN clients cannot route traffic to a different VLAN behind a Balance/MAX device.
- [Remote User Access] Fixed an issue where Remote Users may be disconnected after applying device configurations.
- [Security] Fixed the potential vulnerability of CSRF Protection
- [System] Fixed a rare issue of the Client List that causes system instability.
- [System] Fixed an issue of TCP SYN and RST packets are forwarded to WAN without NAT.
- [System] Fixed an issue where UPnP / NAT-PMP does not work if OpenVPN is enabled.
- [System] Fixed CVE-2020-11022 & CVE-2020-11023
- [WAN] Fixed an issue where the DNS-O-Matic service cannot be updated
- [Web UI] Fixed an issue where the icons and tooltips for the "Outbound Policy" and "Firewall Rules" features were displaying incorrect information if managed by InControl 2.
Compatible with All Models
- [AP Controller] Fixed an issue of HTTP to HTTPS Redirection does not work if the HTTPS port is not 443
- [AP Controller] Fixed an issue where the AP One 300M 5GHz does not work when both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz SSIDs are configured with same name
- [AP Controller] Fixed an issue where the Firmware Pack cannot be stored.
Compatible with Balance: All
Compatible with MAX: 700, HD2/4, Transit
Compatible with MediaFast: All
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX, 580X, 380X, PDX, MBX
- [API / Cellular Cat-18] Fixed the issue where the device was unable to send SMS via API.
Compatible with Integrated Cat-18 cellular models
- [B20X / BR1 IP55 HW4] Fixed an issue where the throughput is limited by the lowest speed port
Compatible with MAX: BR1 IP55 HW4
Compatible with X Series: 20X
- [B20X] Fixed an issue causing Bonjour Forwarding to not work on the B20X
- [B20X] Fixed an issue of where the LAN Interface numbers are not correct
Compatible with X Series: 20X
- [Balance Two] Fixed an issue where VLAN Tagging does not work.
Compatible with Balance: Two
- [Drop-in Mode] Fixed an issue where the Static Route does not work if the Gateway is on the WAN side.
Compatible with Balance: All
Compatible with MAX: All
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with MediaFast: All
Compatible with X Series: All
- [Firmware Upgrade] Fixed an issue causing Firmware upgrades does not work.
Compatible with MAX: BR1/2 Series (Except ENT), 700 HW1-2, HD2 HW1-4
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with Surf SOHO: SOHO HW2 / MK3
- [FusionHub] Fixed an issue where URL Logging &Session Logging are missing in the Event Logs
Compatible with FusionHub
- [HA] Fixed an issue where the Master device will keep its Master status even if the LAN ports are disconnected.
Compatible with X Series: SDX, PDX, MBX, 310X
- [InControl 2] Fixed an issue where IC2 shows the incorrect APN if using Remote SIM
Compatible with Integrated cellular models with Remote SIM supported
- [IP Passthrough] Fixed an issue where the client is unable to obtain a correct IP address after failover between IP Passthrough mode WANs
Compatible with Balance: 30 Pro
Compatible with MAX: BR1, Transit
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with Surf SOHO: SOHO HW2 / MK3
Compatible with X Series: 20X
- [LAN] Fixed the issue where LAN broadcast packets forwarded to the WAN
Compatible with MAX: BR1 Classic, Mini, Pro, BR2
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with Surf SOHO: SOHO HW2
- [Management Port] Fixed an issue where the Management Port is considered as a LAN port during HA mode.
Compatible with Balance: 305/380 or above
Compatible with MediaFast: 500, 750
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX, 580X, 380X
- [MediaFast & KVM] Fixed an issue where the Virtual Machine Autostart does not work
Compatible with MediaFast: 500, 750
- [MediaFast] Fixed an issue where the Root CA certificate and key for ContentHub & MediaFast are stored on an unencrypted area of the firmware
Compatible with MediaFast: All
- [Remote SIM] Fixed an issue where the Remote SIM does not work after the WAN IP has been changed
Compatible with MAX: HD2 Mini, HD1/2 Dome
Compatible with SFE: SFE
Compatible with UBR: UBR LTE
Compatible with X Series: PDX, MBX
- [Wi-Fi AP & BR1 MK2 / SOHO MK3] Fixed an issue that causes system instability when using the Wi-Fi AP
Compatible with MAX: BR1 MK2, Hotspot, IP55 HW2-3
Compatible with Surf SOHO: SOHO MK3
- [Wi-Fi AP] Fixed an issue that causes the secondary RADIUS server to not work.
Compatible with Balance: 30 Pro, One
Compatible with MAX: 700, BR1/2, HD2/4, Transit (Exclude: BR1 ENT, HD2 Mini, HD1/2 Dome)
Compatible with MediaFast: HD2/4
Compatible with X Series: PDX, MBX, 20X
Compatible with Surf SOHO
- [LAN] Fixed an issue where LAN broadcast packets are forwarded to the WAN
- [Wi-Fi AP] Fixed an issue where the SSID does not broadcast
Compatible with Balance: 20X
Compatible with MAX: BR1 IP55 HW4
- [WINS Server] Fixed an issue that causes system instability when using the LAN > WINS Server.
Compatible with Balance: All (Except 20X)
Compatible with MAX: BR1 ENT, 700, HD2/4, Transit
Compatible with MediaFast: All
Compatible with X Series: EPX, SDX Pro, SDX, 580X, 380X, PDX, MBX
Before you consider downloading this firmware, go to the system information page of the router and make sure that the currently installed version isn't either newer or matching this release.
Due to the large variety of router models and different methods for upgrading the device, it is highly recommended that you read and, above all, understand the installation steps before you apply the new firmware, even if you are a power user.
In theory, these steps shouldn't be much of a hassle for anyone, because manufacturers try to make them as easy as possible, even if they don't always succeed. Basically, you must upload the new firmware to the router through its administration page and allow it to upgrade.
If you install a new version, you can expect increased security levels, different vulnerability issues to be resolved, improved overall performance and transfer speeds, enhanced compatibility with other devices, added support for newly developed technologies, as well as several other changes.
If you're looking for certain safety measures, remember that it would be best if you perform the upload using an Ethernet cable rather than a wireless connection, which can be interrupted easily. Also, make sure you don't power off the router or use its buttons during the installation, if you wish avoid any malfunctions.
If this firmware meets your current needs, get the desired version and apply it to your router unit; if not, check with our website as often as possible so that you don't miss the update that will improve your device.
It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.
Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.
Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Peplink Pepwave MAX HD2 HW1 Router Firmware 8.1.1 full driver from the manufacturer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.
Using warez version of Peplink Pepwave MAX HD2 HW1 Router Firmware 8.1.1 driver is hazardous. Our driver download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, Peplink Pepwave MAX HD2 HW1 Router Firmware 8.1.1 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!
It is not recommended to download drivers from illegal sites which distribute a keygens, key generators, pirate keys, serial numbers, warez full versions or cracks for Peplink Pepwave MAX HD2 HW1 Router Firmware 8.1.1. These drivers might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy. A driver might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.