Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10

Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10

Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10 Download Summary

  • File size: 845.80 MB
  • Platform: Windows 10 / 10 64 bit
  • Downloads: 254
  • Released: March 08, 2017
  • Manufacturer URL: Microsoft

Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10


- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M improves system stability.

- Surface UEFI 90.1427.768.0 UEFI improves system stability and performance.

- Surface NVM Express Controller improves storage performance.

- Intel Management Engine Interface improves system stability on startup.

- Surface Integration 1.1.328.0 improves battery life during sleep.

- Surface Integration Service Device improves device stability.

- Surface USB Hub Firmware Update 1.0.519.0 improves stability and power utilization of the USB hub in the device base


- When Surface updates are provided via the Windows Update service, they are delivered in stages to Surface customers. As a result, not every Surface will receive the update at the same time, but the update will be delivered to all devices. If you have not received the update then please manually check Windows Update later.

- If you update the operating system on your Surface, this will clear your existing update history.

- Firmware updates cannot be uninstalled or reverted to an earlier version


- EC: 90.1277.256.0

- ME:

- SAM: 90.1335.257.0

- Touch:

- UEFI: 90.1427.768.0


- Surface Accessory Fw Update: 1.1.382.0

- Surface Dock Fw Update:

- Surface Dock Integration:

- Surface Keyboard Backlight: 1.1.373.0

- HD Audio:

- Smart Sound Bus:

- Smart Sound OED:

- AV Stream: 30.10586.7109.2672

- CSI 2 Host Controller: 30.10586.7109.2672

- Front IR Sensor: 30.10586.7109.2672

- Front Sensor: 30.10586.7109.2672

- Rear Sensor: 30.10586.7109.2672

- Signal Processor: 30.10586.7109.2672

- Skc Controller: 30.10586.7109.2672

- Windows Hello:

- dGPU:

- Display Audio:

- Graphics:

- Surface Digitizer Integration: 1.1.359.0

- Surface Display:

- Surface Display Calibration: 1.1.381.0

- Bluetooth: 15.68.9046.79

- WiFi: 15.68.9046.79

- Surface Pen: 1.1.352.0

- Surface Pen Click Filter: 1.1.350.1

- Surface Pen Integration: 1.1.359.0

- Surface Pen Pairing:

- Surface Pen Settings Driver: 12.0.303.1

- Battery:


- GPIO: 30.63.1603.05

- I2C: 30.63.1603.05

- LPC:

- LPSD Host:

- Management Engine:

- Precise Touch:

- Skylake:

- SPI: 30.63.1603.05

- Surface Base Fw Update:

- Surface Base Integration: 1.1.359.0

- Surface DTX Driver: 1.3.542.0

- Surface Home Button: 1.1.662.0

- Surface Integration Driver: 1.1.328.0

- Surface Integration Service:

- Surface NVM Express Controller:

- Surface Power Meter:

- Surface Storage Fw Update: 1.1.447.0

- Surface System Telemetry Driver:

- Surface Touch Servicing ML:

- Surface Usb Hub Fw Update: 1.0.519.0

- UART: 30.63.1603.05

About Tablet Bundle Packages:

This package includes several file types, such as Audio, Chipset, Graphics, Ethernet and other drivers (even a firmware update), that are required after a Windows OS is installed so that the tablet works at the highest level of performance possible.

If you wish to update the versions using this bundle package, know that it can improve the tablet’s overall performance, stability and usability, resolve different problems, enhance touch experience and connection strength, and bring about other related changes.

Before applying this bundle make sure that the current release is compatible with your tablet model; if this checks outs, proceed with the installation process: get the package, extract it if necessary, run any available setup, and follow the instructions displayed on-screen.

Bear in mind that, even though some package might also be compatible with other OSes, we do not recommend you install them on other platforms than the specified ones. You should also perform a system reboot at the end, to allow all changes to take effect properly.

That being said, if you wish to install this bundle, click the download button and apply the included software. Also, make sure you constantly check with our website so that you don’t miss a single new release.

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Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10 Drivers Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10 full driver from the manufacturer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version of Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10 driver is hazardous. Our driver download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

It is not recommended to download drivers from illegal sites which distribute a keygens, key generators, pirate keys, serial numbers, warez full versions or cracks for Microsoft Surface Book Tablet Firmware/Driver March 2017 for Windows 10. These drivers might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy. A driver might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.