Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware

Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware

Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware Download Summary

  • File size: 556.50 MB
  • Platform: OS Independent
  • Downloads: 163
  • Released: July 31, 2019
  • Manufacturer URL: Grandstream

Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware


- Added video call zoom function. [VIDEO CALL ZOOM]
- Added web upgrade error messages and error logic.
- Added OpenVPN LZO Compression Switch. [LZO COMPRESSION]
- Added UCM conference control. [UCM CONFERENCE CONTROL]
- Updated SRTP icon to display only when signaling and media are both encrypted.
- Added enable/disable SSH without rebooting.
- Updated menu bar Wi-Fi connection status to display according to the interaction.
- Added "RTP Timeout (s)" feature. [RTP TIMEOUT]
- Updated DTMF view to show 4 seconds and then auto hide.
- Added ability to press 0~9 to enter search mode in contacts menu. [CONTACTS QUICK SEARCH]
- Added disabled web login in system security. [DISABLED WEB LOGIN]
- Added disable Wi-Fi warning option. [DISABLE LOW WI-FI SIGNAL WARNING]
- Added logic to avoid display voice mail number data as negative number.
- Added quick setup wizard module. [QUICK SETUP WIZARD MODULE]
- Added packet drop rate warning.
- Updated LED display.
- Added detect firmware upgrade feature on web UI. [DETECT UPGRADE]
- Added mute on answer intercom call. [MUTE ON ANSWER INTERCOM CALL]
- Added custom ringtone for door system. [CUSTOM RINGTONE FOR DOOR SYSTEM]
- Added LCD screen timeout and brightness. [LCD SCREEN TIMEOUT AND BRIGHTNESS]
- Updated attended transfer confirmation msg.
- Updated Dutch language file.
- Changed configuration item name 'Multicast Paging' to 'Multicast Paging Function'.
- Added Factory reset: first unregister sip message without contact head.
- Added SAFE/Panic show 'Emergency Dial Force Speaker' config. [EMERGENCY DIAL FORCE SPEAKER]
- Updated LCD UI when powered off and in charging mode.
- Increased dial digit limit to 30 characters.
- Upgraded sqlite3 for security problem.
- Optimized Security/Alarm snooze design.
- Added Reject Call Notification feature. [REJECTED CALL NOTIFICATION]
- Removed “Personalized Account” menu and move related options to Settings->Call settings.
- Update UI of ringtone selector interface.
- Added support to use $product and $mac for config provision. [CONFIG PROVISION UPDATE]
- Added processing animation for one click debug.
- Added Wi-Fi restart when changed Wi-Fi frequency.
- Added displaying Bluetooth account.
- Added Bluetooth headset mode support. [BLUETOOTH HEADSET MODE SUPPORT]
- Updated device LCD language supported list.
- Added icon to show the type of Bluetooth device under Bluetooth devices menu.
- Updated text string in call forward mode “others.”
- Added SIP Notify to sync phonebook. [SIP NOTIFY TO SYNC PHONEBOOK]
- Added tooltip for Wi-Fi warning.
- Added uaCSTA support. [UACSTA]
- Updated time zone list and values on web.
- Updated POSIX time values for time zone provisioning
- Updated UI of toast messages.
- Updated SMS interface.
- Enabled ACS and ACS URL by default.
- Add 2 second delay when detect flip to reject call.
- Updated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth refresh animation.
- Added the ability to add/remove contacts via web UI.
- Support GDMS provisioning via TR069. [GDMS PROVISIONING]
- Added always boot up device when charging.
- Updated factory reset using hard key interface. [FACTORY RESET VIA HARD KEY UPDATE]
- Added call detection before performing factory reset.
- Updated Czech and Slovak language.
- Added ability to automatically power on device when charging the device
- Added support for 3CX platform
- Added support for IPv6 syslog, SIP and provisioning.
- Added Use MAC header [USE MAC HEADER]
- Added more options for distinctive ring tone [MORE DISTINCTIVE RINGTONES]
- Added upload language file [UPLOAD LANGUAGE FILE]
- Added contacts management features on Web UI [PHONEBOOK MANAGEMENT]
- Added subscribe expiration [SUBSCRIBE EXPIRATION]


- Fixed Disabled autocomplete username and password input box
- Fixed OpenVPN Cipher Method remove Triple-DES option
- Fixed Remove some language select options to be the same as LCD
- Fixed Remove select option "GMT +0:00" to be the same as LCD.
- Fixed Replace background image of lock screen to match idle screen
- Fixed Adjust the shadow of date/time in lock screen for wp820
- Fixed Shouldn’t ring hands-free tone when clicking "Add to Contact" in dial interface
- Fixed The option and prompt of "Incoming ID display" do not match
- Fixed AlertInfo control different ringing inoperative
- Fixed When the device is asleep, the trigger time of static detection and tilt detection is inconsistent with the setting
- Fixed Probabilistic no warning when calling for emergency
- Fixed Voice/video encoding is incorrectly arranged
- Fixed Did not download after provision phonebook path with config file
- Fixed When account 1 is not active, off hook auto dial prompt "account is unavailable"
- Fixed The password input box should be aligned with other input boxes when use 802.1x
- Fixed Video encoding tips have unsupported options
- Fixed When you successfully log in to the web, prompted "Username or password is incorrect..."
- Fixed The edited contact will be displayed repeatedly on the dialing interface.
- Fixed Speed dial should follow the dialing rules
- Fixed The mute function should be hidden when the meeting is hold
- Fixed "Sort Phonebook by" first name, and it don't work immediately.
- Fixed Use the search function to search displays duplicate options
- Fixed Search results display abnormality
- Fixed The call button should not be grayed after the dialing interface selects the call record
- Fixed When the line is full, the channel button should be hidden
- Fixed The options in the meeting should be displayed as "Delete Members" + Contact Name
- Fixed After the phone unhold, the voice channel from handset to speaker
- Fixed When selecting group members, cursor can only be moved in group members.
- Fixed Display abnormal when login failed by password
- Fixed The font is too large, and the label set by PTT is not complete.
- Fixed Talkback should show speaker icon or only speaker channel
- Fixed Should add speaker icon when PTT intercom
- Fixed Wi-fi web page text editing interface not beautiful
- Fixed You cannot directly add a new call by pressing the dial button during single line call.
- Fixed The display of ringtone is inconsistent with the setting of ringtone.
- Fixed Contact: Setting custom ringtone prevents the contact from entering the edit screen
- Fixed Deletion of one of the members in the conference recording will not prompt the recording to stop.
- Fixed Modify the SSH port value when it conflicts with the WEB port and the Web port will still prompt the conflict when it is saved.
- Fixed HTTP/HTTPS proxy server host name fills in illegal IP, wrong IP can be saved
- Fixed Download LDAP binary configuration file contain % character,page displays gibberish
- Fixed Select the hold line and click the conference. The conference cannot be successfully
- established.
- Fixed Typing "x" will only bring up the dial pad (the filter character set contains x)
- Fixed Web not agree with LCD in language options
- Fixed Press the multi-function button when call coming, without stopping the vibration
- Fixed DTMF value should always exist
- Fixed When calling out during a meeting, it should not allow to hold
- Fixed The "option" button should be hidden when holding (two lines)
- Fixed Mute icon shows after hanging up the phone
- Fixed When editing dialing, return the ringtone to the speaker channel
- Fixed LDAP number filtering rules does not support "%“
- Fixed Caller ID display confusion in PTT receiver
- Fixed The name of LDAP details is incomplete when setting several LDAP display name attributes.
- Fixed Rejecting an anonymous call should reply 433 instead of 486
- Fixed Add LDAP contacts to local, prompt "download successful".
- Fixed The stability time option has no unit
- Fixed The device does not use ppp0 address to send the registration packet
- Fixed SDP connection address is wrong when enable OpenVPN but OpenVPN NAT is NAT NO
- Fixed Multicast paging without voice after the end of the emergency channel paging
- Fixed Can't search for DTMF settings in search box
- Fixed The country code in search box of web displays error
- Fixed automatic deployment feature and wp-master use conflict
- Fixed Receiving a PTT when calling out results in no ringback tone
- Fixed Dial-up interface - click on the contact to edit the dial, cannot edit
- Fixed The focus shows abnormal when failed to connect to Wi-Fi
- Fixed Under large font, the text list interface is not beautiful
- Fixed Search cannot match "admin password"
- Fixed "Account Name" should be displayed as "Extension Number"
- Fixed After uploading the wrong firmware to the web page, the page button prompts you to make modifications
- Fixed There are some problem in search bar
- Fixed Short press PTT button, DUT Probably show speaking interface all the time.
- Fixed Press the number key quickly to pop up the virtual keyboard
- Fixed Can't uncheck the checkbox in GWN Cloud Wi-Fi portal page
- Fixed WIFI authentication uses GWN cloud, and the interface is incomplete
- Fixed The ringtone is set to mute, but the selected ringtone is still the last value set.
- Fixed Contact download interface clear and replace options no default value
- Fixed The button of the server list of Guest login is logically incorrect.
- Fixed Only labels should be displayed "Not set".
- Fixed Using H.264 Constrained Profiles" should be removed
- Fixed The tooltip of PNP(3CX)need to be modify
- Fixed After the completion of the installation it will not automatically log out
- Fixed When the firmware version the same, click update in web, web and LCD without any hints
- Fixed Even if input wrong format, can still click the start button.
- Fixed Multicast settings should be changed to groups
- Fixed Probability does not vibrate when DUT receiving PTT frequently
- Fixed When the secondary sip server is not saved, the accounts will affect each other.
- Fixed Heard speaker noise at the end of receiving PTT.
- Fixed The appropriate hints should be given when downloading a recording file
- Fixed Toggle the web page, and the check box that imports the contact mode does not work.
- Fixed Layer 3 SIP QoS and audio QoS are empty when clicking save, should prompt cannot be empty
- Fixed When you do not fill in the Sip domain, clicking the login button does not indicate that the domain name cannot be empty.
- Fixed Alternate SIP server annotation displays error
- Fixed GDS calls, device has no ring tone
- Fixed SIP account drops line(probability)
- Fixed When import contact is over the maximum value, the contact should be prompted to be full
- Fixed VCard contact files can be imported when more than 500 people
- Fixed Device connect Bluetooth headset, ringtone output from the handset
- Fixed Bluetooth headset /SPK cannot hear the ring tone at the same time when calling
- Fixed Remove the WIFI button from the WIFI page
- Fixed Charging tone is not complete when booting
- Fixed Initiating alarm causes the phone to cancel mute
- Fixed The green light is not always on during the preloader phase of the factory restoration process
- Fixed Configure the server address is "", config update mode no switch to HTTPS
- Fixed Text message popover title should be changed to "text message"
- Fixed Photosensitivity will also take effect at the launcher interface
- Fixed Exit the interface directly when click "select" button in account ring interface
- Fixed The range of roaming step value is not reasonable
- Fixed Speaker play hands-free sound during installing the firmware
- Fixed LCD terminal account ring is missing the mute ring
- Fixed City name web does not correspond to LCD
- Fixed Web language have no Slovencina language
- Fixed GDS menu name is displayed incorrectly
- Fixed Can save the same system number
- Fixed "RTCP Monitoring Server" should add a prompt when the port is not filled out
- Fixed Network state of IPv4 displays incorrect
- Fixed The layer 2 QoS 802.1p Priority Value is incorrect
- Fixed "Detect upgrade" without prompt
- Fixed after the ringtone is deleted, the device still rings this ringtone
- Fixed Web can't delete the recordings
- Fixed Horizontal scroll bar is not displayed when the WEB side window is shrunk
- Fixed "Second Dial Tone" is empty
- Fixed Large font in the contact edit interface input symbols will cause the input method selection box flashing
- Fixed "Connect" button appear in page
- Fixed Modifying group name does not take effect immediately
- Fixed Editing the contacts that are already in the group will delete other members of the group
- Fixed System security - "Select" button click is invalid
- Fixed Time setting for no answer transfer should be optimized
- Fixed LCD setting time interface can be saved without modifying time, and the interface can only be operated at about 10s
- Fixed Running/no movement/tilt detection time lack unit
- Fixed The alert and alarm sound in the security/warning are not selected after entering the selection page
- Fixed The preferred network protocol setup is not good
- Fixed In low temperature environment, can't close the tip.
- Fixed The unanswered-timeout range of web is inconsistent with the local
- Fixed Wi-Fi details interface display is insufficient
- Fixed Speed Dialing - After clicking Edit and, the Delete button disappears
- Fixed Spectralink interface option is incorrect
- Fixed PTT selection screen displays irrelevant options(probability)
- Fixed Wi-Fi scan should have a dynamic effect
- Fixed LCD terminal turns on the emergency call, but the emergency call number is empty, and no prompt is given when saving.
- Fixed The settings of the alarm tone ringtone and the reminder tone ringtone will affect each other.
- Fixed The transfer failed to cause the hold line to collect and output sound
- Fixed DUT cannot obtain IP after configuring option 242 parameter
- Fixed '账' should be displayed as '帐'
- Fixed After the device enters "Encryption unsuccessful" interface, it will not work properly
- Fixed There is no live update option when pairing/disconnecting Bluetooth
- Fixed Refresh Bluetooth list, it can also search for the Bluetooth that has been turned off
- Fixed Bluetooth saved list prompts redundant
- Fixed Can't check page option in Wi-Fi Portal page
- Fixed When network disconnected, MAC address display for 00:00:00:00:00:00 in the system information
- Fixed No prompt "The line is full" when the call is made from the contact
- Fixed The text was clear after the screen off
- Fixed After modifying the parameters of WIFI roaming interface, the screen was not saved and the parameters changed back to the original value after lighting the screen
- Fixed The screen may show black after make call
- Fixed The device cannot be handled properly after receiving the server reply 301
- Fixed If the DND on/off number of account 1 is not online, the account displayed by the DND on/off number of account 2 is wrong
- Fixed The prompt of Wi-Fi connect success shows black bottom
- Fixed After picking up the phone, the mute button should be changed
- Fixed Gesture control interface prompt text incomplete
- Fixed "reply content" lacks secondary menu guidance
- Fixed issue when displaying long SSID names in Wi-Fi status screen
- Fixed when enable two accounts and set register expiration to 5mins, then it will lose registration
- Fixed enable keepalive in sleeping state DUT may lose the keep alive timer.
- Fixed enable keepalive and disable PTT, then DUT won't sleep
- Fixed Cannot navigate in loop in Network Status menu
- Fixed The web page plays the recording, and the right download, edit and delete icons are grayed out.
- Fixed ESSID and password for Wi-Fi settings cannot be cleared
- Fixed Secondary SIP Server wrong explanation on Web GUI
- Fixed When the third layer SIP QoS and audio QoS are empty, click Save, and the prompt should not
- be empty.
- Fixed WP820 has distorted audio when answering SRTP calls from Call Queue
- Fixed SIP header requirement for Hot Desking feature
- Fixed Warning tone and alarm tone default values
- Fixed Input issues for Voicemail ID on LCD menu->Account
- Fixed Date display format have no effect on LCD date display
- Fixed MOH mode does not work with the account registered with the standby server.
- Fixed Prompt additional credentials if the network requires
- Fixed the issue that cannot play DTMF while number matched the second dial tone.
- Fixed Repair some APs cannot be scan when there are too many APs nearby
- Fixed Adding a warning tone when it's low on battery
- Fixed After provision to disable missed call and MWI indicator, device still flash LED on missed calls and new voicemail
- Fixed Missed call notification - Shows in two places
- Fixed Wi-Fi SSID setup menu has the word "Safety" to describe "Security mode"
- Fixed Repair device cannot sleep when enable syslog
- Fixed When cancel saving the Wi-Fi of 802.1x, the certificates of user and CA should not be cleared
- Fixed Unable to adjust volume when Bluetooth and 3.5mm headset connected.
- Fixed AutoConfig language does not take effect.
- Fixed WP820: 1-level domains are not accepted under SIP server field
- Fixed TR069 ACS sends FactoryResetTask, but DUT executes reboot
- Fixed Disable the Android NTP service NetworkTimeUpdateService
- Fixed After Wi-Fi roaming, DUT should send IGMP report immediately
- Fixed ACS does not send a request connection to IPV6 address


- PTT does not support IPv6 address
- Wi-Fi protected setup not supported

About VoIP Phone Updates:

Firmware updates for VoIP Phones are very important as they usually contain many bug fixes, add new features and updates, as well as add additional security features.

One of the main problems users come across when attempting to upgrade their VoIP Phone is that their device may be locked to a certain Carrier. Adding an unlocked version of the firmware may cause the device to stop working on certain networks. This operation may void your carrier warranty and, as such, is not recommended.

Before downloading, make sure that you have selected the appropriate firmware for your device and that the update supports the VoIP service provider you use.

Generally, it is important to upgrade older firmware in sequence (v1 to v2 to v3) and so on, because many manufacturers don't launch standalone update packages.

Although using beta release firmware packages is tempting, it can prove to be quite risky as well. If you choose to try beta release updates, please read the detailed firmware notes and make sure that you have the possibility to revert to an older and more stable version in case the beta turns out faulty.

If you feel that this update can improve the functionality of your VoIP Phone, please use the download button and follow the installation instructions.

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Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware Drivers Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware full driver from the manufacturer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version of Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware driver is hazardous. Our driver download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

It is not recommended to download drivers from illegal sites which distribute a keygens, key generators, pirate keys, serial numbers, warez full versions or cracks for Grandstream WP820 IP Phone Firmware These drivers might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy. A driver might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.