Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware

Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware

Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware Download Summary

  • File size: 351.50 MB
  • Platform: OS Independent
  • Downloads: 197
  • Released: July 31, 2019
  • Manufacturer URL: Grandstream

Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware


- Added new options to control IPVideoTalk meeting layouts. [NEW IPVIDEOTALK LAYOUTS]
- Added new layout options on GVC320x’s Web UI: Common Layout Mode. This option includes options: Remote/Average/POP/PIP. [COMMON LAYOUT MODE]
- Added BroadSoft APK. Users could synchronize BroadSoft contacts and call history in the GVC320x. [BROADSOFT CONTACTS/CALL HISTORY]
- IPVideoTalk meeting layout improvement. During the IPVideoTalk meeting, users could select to fix the video image at a certain location. [IPVIDEOTALK VIDEO LAYOUT IMPROVEMENT]
- Supported new remote control for GVC3200 2.3A+ and GVC3202 1.1A+. Added remote control model option on GVC320x Web UI. GVC320x users could select the remote control model on Web UI-> Settings -> General Settings -> Remote Control Model. [REMOTE CONTROL MODEL OPTION]
- Added power menu for GVC320x remote control power button. When users press the remote control power button, there will be a pop out window shows “Shutdown”, “Sleep”, and “Restart options. When users click the power button again, the pop out window will be closed. [REMOTE CONTROL POWER MENU]
- Added support to show the number of invited members and joined members in the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Added support to show the total number of the members in the IPVideoTalk meeting. [SUPPORT TO SHOW MEETING MEMBERS]
- Updated the Bluetooth pairing UI in the GVC320x.
- Added IPVideoTalk Conf Control features in the GVC320x. [ADD CONF CONTROL FEATURES]
- Added display for current audio input/output device on GVC320x’s HDMI output. [AUDIO INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE]
- Optimized the booting animation for GVC320x.
- Supported video mix feature with Skype application 8.15 on GVC320x.
- Supported PTZ function for Skype application 8.15 on GVC320x.
- Supported upload for server custom certificate file on GVC320x. [CUSTOM CERTIFICATE]


- Fixed GVC320x should be able to prompt reminder 10 minutes before the starting time of the scheduled meeting, and auto-dial out at the meeting starting time.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to switch IPv4 network mode successfully.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to display the MAC address of the remote control successfully, and the user should be able to upgrade the remote control firmware successfully.
- Fixed GVC320x remote control should be able to be paired with GVC320x device by pressing “OK” + “5” buttons.
- Fixed the user should be able to delete Google account associated conference via GVC320x’s Web UI successfully.
- Fixed the configuration file deployment location should be correct on GVC320x’s Web UI when the user imports the configuration file into GVC320x via Web UI.
- Fixed GVC320x’s virtual remote control button should not be always refreshed on GVC320x’s Web UI.
- Fixed the user should be able to use infrared control directly on GVC320x even though the MAC address does not be burned into the device.
- Fixed the VLAN tag delivered by the LLDP should be applied after the GVC320x is waked up.
- Fixed GVC320x LCD UI should not freeze when the user switches UI displayed language in Setup Wizard and complete to configure the device.
- Fixed the user should be able to rotate the camera lens when the user presses the direction button on GVC320x’s remote control.
- Fixed the user should be able to go back to previous UI (current UI is Settings -> System -> Account -> Add Account) successfully if the user presses the Back button on GVC320x’s remote control.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to display Google account associated scheduled meetings successfully on GVC320x’s Schedule meeting UI.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to obtain IP address successfully when the user enables/disables Wi-Fi network on the device. This problem happens with a low probability.
- Fixed BroadSoft application crash issue in GVC320x when the user changes the configuration of BroadSoft on GVC320x’s Web UI.
- Fixed the preset position number displays incorrect issue when the user applies the preset position by pressing the number key on GVC320x’ remote control.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to search Wi-Fi network when the device boots up. This problem happens with a low probability.
- Fixed the user should be able to capture pcap packets by pressing “One-click debugging” button on GVC320x’s Web UI.
- Fixed GVC320x should not be able to prompt pop up window when the user accesses to the meetings list in IPVideoTalk application in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to display presentation from remote client when the GVC320x joins into the IPVideoTalk meeting and the remote client has already started presentation during the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x should send TR069 data when GVC320x receives “404 Not Found” from ACS server during the upgrading task.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to delete the participants during the local scheduled meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x should be able to rotate the camera lens when press the direction button in the Camera application.
- Fixed GVC320x should not be able to be searched via Bluetooth when users turn off the GVC320x Bluetooth and reboot the GVC320x device.
- Fixed the Skype application downloading version too old issue in the GS Market in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x LCD interface H.323 Account Settings menu shows empty contents issue when users try to configure H.323 voicemail ID via the GVC320x LCD.
- Fixed GVC320x locked screen LCD interface should have a background image when users try to unlock the screen.
- Fixed GVC320x should restart automatically when users modify the options which require rebooting operation via TR069.
- Fixed “Play” button missing issue in YouTube application which has been installed in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x is able to configure the device with the custom certificate signed by custom CA certificate.
- Fixed GVC320x is able to implement XSI Directories and Call Logs features for BroadSoft.
- Fixed GVC320x cursor should loop among all prompt options.
- Fixed GVC320x 3rd party application video feed should be able to be shared with other participants, even though other participants are only in the SIP video call.
- Fixed GVC320x displays video slowly issue when the user joins into the IPVideoTalk Webinar with the SIP account via the GVC320x as a participant.
- Fixed GVC320x crash issue when the GVC320x receive the message that requires the GVC320x to open the camera from the IPVideoTalk WebRTC meeting host.
- Fixed GVC320x Web UI should not pop out a prompt window when the user tries to resume the held call in the recorded IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x stuck on the “Loading” interface issue when the user clicks to enter the IPVideoTalk APK.
- Fixed GVC320x should display the participant’s display name when the participant hands up during the IPVideoTalk meeting. Currently, it only displays the participant’s SIP ID
- Fixed the “Mute all” and “Block all” buttons should be hidden in the IPVideoTalk meetings on GVC320x LCD.
- Fixed the focus on the Meeting Layout interface should not move to other location when the WebRTC host update the IPVideoTalk meeting layouts.
- Fixed GVC320x display mute status error on the GVC320x Web UI when the GVC320x user joins into an IPVideoTalk Webinar before the host and mute the local MIC on the Web UI.
- Fixed the virtual remote control does not match the GVC320x issue even though the remote control could be matched with GVC320x correctly.
- Fixed GVC320x does not release TR-069 data issue when the ACS executes upgradeTask and the server responds “404 Not Found” to GVC320x device.
- Fixed the “gvc3200afw.bin” postfix should be removed when users try to upgrade the GVC320x device from ACS platform. The “gvc3200afw.bin” postfix should be removed from the URL which is sent by ACS platform.
- Fixed the connected USB mouse does not work with GVC320x device in idle state if the MAC is not burned into the GVC320x device, and users need to reboot the GVC320x device to use the connected USB mouse with GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x crashed issue when users initialize multiple auto video calls from the GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x should not generate gs_phone core file when users connect a GAC2500 with the GVC320x device via Bluetooth and configure to auto-dial other accounts on the GAC2500.
- Fixed GVC320x decoding issue in the meeting (there is no audio/video in the meeting) when users use another GVC320x device to join into the meeting, start presentation, and leave the meeting repeatedly.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot detect HDMI connection issue when the connected TV is turned off.
- Fixed the camera default configuration should not be changed after GVC320x device factory reset.
- Fixed GVC320x should output the audio via Bluetooth if the GVC320x device connects with GAC2500 and enables HDMI IN locally.
- Fixed GVC320x device does not show any image issue after opening local presentation on the device.
- Fixed GVC320x does not update the ACS URL value issue when users execute SetValuesTask and send to the GVC320x device from ACS platform.
- Fixed GVC320x should not change the configured ringtones when users restore the backup on the GVC320x device.
- Fixed some hardware interfaces are not recognized issue after GVC320x has been auto rebooted.
- Fixed GVC320x causes GAC2500 upgrading repeatedly issue when users connect the GVC320x with the GAC2500 device via USB cable during the processing of GAC2500 upgrading. GVC320x resends the APK upgrading request to the GAC2500 when the GAC2500 boots up, and the GAC2500 goes to upgrade again by this reason.
- Fixed GVC3200 does not work with GAC2500 in Skype calls.
- Fixed the descriptions of Bluetooth pairing notification contents which can be found in GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x does not recognize 1TB HDD issue when users connect 1TB HDD with GVC320x.
- Fixed users could access the Auto-Answer configuration page when users click the Auto-Answer button in the GVC320x device notification bar.
- Fixed GVC320x is able to configure the device with the custom certificate signed by custom CA certificate.
- Fixed the main stream packets loss information incorrect issue on the receiving side when users start/end presentation repeatedly on the GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x should not generate core.dbus-SocketPoll file when users soft restart the GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x should not prompt to execute FPGA program failed when after downloading the ATE APK from the GVC320x device.
- Fixed the drop-down menu misplaced issue when users call the drop-down menu in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x does not download the upgrading file issue when users try to execute the upgrading task from ACS platform.
- Fixed GVC320x should not be frozen at “Grandstream” interface when users try to restart the device and the device is lack of memory space.
- Fixed GVC320x should not generate the core.gs_cpe file (the CPE process has been killed) when users have modified the ACS source address in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x’s camera should not be off issue when the user starts presentation after opening camera in IPVideoTalk Webinar as an attendee.
- Fixed the layout of the URLs in GVC320x IPVideoTalk Meeting Info are not friendly issue.
- Fixed GVC320x should resend a request to login IPVT10 server again when users delete the access token of IPVT10 from GVC320x and access the APK again.
- Fixed GVC320x should not lose the “Participants List” and “Meeting Info” when GVC320x exits and joins a new meeting.
- Fixed users cannot see the local recording files issue in GVC320x’s personal room.
- Fixed GVC320x should prompt error message (5026 error code) when users join the meeting via GVC320x and the video feeds reach the upper limit.
- Fixed GVC320x should change uplink the video resolution to 720P instead of 1080P when there are 3 video images in the IPVideoTalk conference at the same time.
- Fixed GVC320x should not prompt “Current not in IPVideoTalk meeting” when users hold the IPVideoTalk meeting and click on “Participants List”. GVC320x should prompt to ask users to resume the meeting.
- Fixed the multiple meeting URLs should be aligned in the Meeting Info in GVC320x during the IPVideoTalk meeting when there are spaces between the meeting URLs.
- Fixed users cannot see the Raise Hand icon when users log in the GVC320x WebUI via Firefox browser.
- Fixed GVC320x should not send the login requests twice when users reactivate IPVideoTalk ID in GVC320x and access the IPVideoTalk APK in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x should add the “Cancel Meeting” option for the yellow button under the Meetings List menu in IPVideoTalk APK.
- Fixed GVC320x should send “get_all_users” information only when users open Conf Control menu during the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot unmute itself issue when the GVC320x device is in both IPVideoTalk meeting and SIP meeting.
- Fixed the icon should be changed after users click on “Unshare Camera” button in GVC320x when users join the IPVideoTalk meeting before the host via the GVC320x.
- Fixed the icon of “myself” displays incorrect issue after opening the camera (The Participants List is disabled).
- Fixed the icon of “myself” displays incorrect issue after the meeting host mutes all participants (The Participants List is disabled).
- Fixed users cannot operate on Raise Hand option in Conf Control in GVC320x when users redial into the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed the Raise Hand icon of attendee should not remain in highlight state when the attendee becomes the IPVideoTalk meeting host.
- Fixed the host GVC320x should update the Participants List synchronous when there are some participants leave the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed the Raise Hand icon should not remain in highlight state when the GVC320x participant joins into the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed the suspension text should not disappear when users change the video layouts to 1+N mode in GVC320x in IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x should not play abnormal audio when users mute/unmute the microphone during the IPVideoTalk meeting (users join into the IPVideoTalk meeting as PSTN users).
- Updated the English hints about the actions of Raise Hand feature in Conf Control in GVC320x device.
- Fixed there is no case sensitive when users try to search results in the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed the Participants List of GVC320x should be updated when the GVC320x device becomes the IPVideoTalk meeting host.
- Improved the tile mode layouts for GVC320x.
- Fixed some buttons on the GVC320x’s Web UI should not be able to be operated in the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Removed the “Audio Answer” option on GVC320x’s Web UI for IPVideoTalk incoming calls.
- Fixed GVC320x should have tips when users mute/unmute the GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x IPVideoTalk meeting host should be able to operate the microphone and camera of the participant when the IPVideoTalk Webinar starts.
- Fixed the control of SIP participants should not disappear in GVC320x after IPVideoTalk participants join/leave the meeting (GVC320x device is in both SIP call and IPVideoTalk meeting).
- Fixed the Raise Hand icon of “myself” should disappear after searching for something during the IPVideoTalk meeting in GVC320x.
- Fixed there is no tips issue when the GVC320x meeting host changes the IPVideoTalk Video layouts.
- Fixed the microphone icon of “myself” in the Conf Control menu displays incorrect issue when users redial into the IPVideoTalk meeting in mute state with GVC320x
- Fixed “ME” should not become the displaying name in GVC320x in IPVideoTalk meeting when users try to mute and turn off the camera on GVC320x.
- Fixed the site name on GVC320x HDMI output moves automatically with status bar issue.
- Fixed users cannot use mouse function issue with remote control on GVC320x. The remote control application version has been updated to
- Fixed GVC320x does not send the GK authentication username on the gateKeeperRequest issue while the user tries to register the GVC320x to the gatekeeper via H.323.
- Fixed GVC320x causes the GAC2500 repeats upgrading issue when GVC320x connects to the GAC2500 via USB cable during GAC2500’s factory reset process.
- Fixed GVC320x should show prompt “No calling number” when GVC320x calls a call group which only has the contact without any calling number in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x should not change the configured ringtones after GVC320x initializes factory reset and restores the backup files.
- Fixed GVC320x should not change the camera default configuration after GVC320x initializes factor reset.
- Fixed GVC320x should show the correct main stream packet loss information for receiving side when the user tries to enable/disable video presentation on the callee side for several times during the video call.
- Fixed GVC320x loses audio/video issue in the conference when the user invites the GVC320x into the conference and enables video presentation on the GVC320x. Repeat to invite the GVC320x into the conference, enable the video presentation and remove it from the conference, this issue can be reproduced with a low probability.
- Fixed GVC320x’s some hardware interfaces cannot be recognized issue after auto reboot the GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x phone module crash issue when the GVC320x keeps making calls automatically for a long time.
- Fixed GVC320x should not generate gs_phone core file when the user connects GVC320x with GAC2500 via Bluetooth and configures Bluetooth account auto-dial feature via GAC2500.
- Fixed GVC320x should detect the HDMI connection is disconnected when the TV monitor has been turned off.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot detect the 1TB HDD storage issue when users connect the 1TB HDD with the GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot upgrade firmware issue when checking server certificate.
- Fixed the Skype calls should work fine on GVC320x when the GVC320x connects with GAC2500.
- Fixed GVC320x should hide the Participants List options when users try to call IMS accounts via IPVideoTalk ID in the GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot exit the IPVideoTalk meeting issue when the GVC320x joins the IPVideoTalk meeting and receives BYE message quickly.
- Fixed “Join by phone” field contents exceed the boundary issue on GVC320x’s HDMI output if the PSTN number is too long.
- Fixed “Join by phone” field should be in the middle of the IPVideoTalk Call Details page on GVC320x’s Web UI.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot display video issue when the GVC320x joins the IPVideoTalk meeting with a certain packet loss rate.
- Fixed GVC320x’s Participants List should be updated when the meeting host starts the IPVideoTalk meeting. In this case, the GVC320x joins into the IPVideoTalk meeting before the meeting host.
- Fixed GVC320x’s Participants List should be updated when the IPVideoTalk meeting host allows all participants to view the attendees list.
- Fixed GVC320x’s Participants List should be updated when the GVC320x participant becomes the IPVideoTalk meeting host.
- Fixed the URLs’ layout unfriendly issue during the IPVideoTalk meeting if there are multiple URLs in GVC320x’s Meeting Info on the HDMI output.
- Fixed GVC320x initializes video presentation failed issue during the IPVideoTalk meeting when the WebRTC client participant enables/disables presentation during the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot accept any incoming call during the IPVideoTalk meeting if the GVC320x receives two incoming calls at the same time during the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x shows incorrect MIC status issue if the GVC320x has been kicked out of the IPVideoTalk meeting in the mute state and rejoined a new IPVideoTalk conference.
- Fixed GVC320x should not display the camera is “On” during the IPVideoTalk meeting if the user opens the camera failed during the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed the IPVideoTalk ID should not lose registration issue in the GVC320x when users update the IPVideoTalk server address in the IPVideoTalk application in GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x should not send the login request twice continuously when the user actives the IPVideoTalk account on GVC320x’s Web UI and opens the IPVideoTalk application in the GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x cannot register the IPVideoTalk ID via TCP issue when the destination port is set to 5060 in the GVC320x.
- Fixed GVC320x’s camera video is stuck issue during the IPVideoTalk meeting when the GVC320x starts presentation during the IPVideoTalk meeting (there is another client starts camera at the same time).
- Fixed the IPVideoTalk meeting URLs should be completed in Schedule section on GVC320x’s HDMI output if there are multiple URLs for the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed the IPVideoTalk Participants List keeps showing “Loading” issue when the GVC320x participant has been kicked out of the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Fixed GVC320x’s camera video disappears issue during the IPVideoTalk Webinar when the GVC320x has been set to a panelist and starts presentation during the IPVideoTalk Webinar.
- Fixed GVC320x’s Participants List should be updated when the GVC320x has been set to a panelist during the IPVideoTalk Webinar.
- Fixed GVC320x’s Participants List should be updated when the IPVideoTalk Webinar host starts the Webinar from preparation state to “In progress” state.
- Fixed GVC320x should not show the error tips when the GVC320x has been invited to another IPVideoTalk meeting (with password) during the current IPVideoTalk meeting. The error tips could be seen when the GVC320x clicks to join the new IPVideoTalk meeting and stays at the password authentication UI of the IPVideoTalk meeting.
- Removed some buttons in the IPVideoTalk application in GVC320x for the schedule meeting function.
- Fixed GVC320x shows incorrect input/output audio priority after the audio priority is set to “USB” but the USB speaker has been disconnected with the GVC320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x shows incorrect input/output audio priority after the audio priority is set to “HDMI” in the gvc320x device.
- Fixed GVC320x responds with 2m lines both on RTP causing calls to fail with BroadSoft SBC

About VoIP System Updates:

Firmware updates for VoIP Systems are very complex and usually contain many bug fixes, security improvements and compatibility enhancements, because the base system must be able to connect to webcams, video conference devices and the like.

Upgrading your VoIP System firmware should be done as often as possible to keep your device up to date with new security standards, and improve the native plug and play capabilities of your device.

Although beta firmware are usually full of new and exciting features, updating to them should only be done after thoroughly reading the changelog and making sure that you still retain phone functionality. Remember to check if you can revert to a more stable version as well, in case the new update is not what you were expecting.

If you intend to apply this update, please make sure that the package is compatible with your VoIP System, hit the download button, follow the installation instructions and enjoy. Check out our website as often as possible in order to keep your device “Updated one minute ago.”

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Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware Drivers Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware full driver from the manufacturer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version of Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware driver is hazardous. Our driver download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

It is not recommended to download drivers from illegal sites which distribute a keygens, key generators, pirate keys, serial numbers, warez full versions or cracks for Grandstream GVC3200 Conferencing System Firmware These drivers might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy. A driver might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.